Best laid plans……Its my second baby, I did a hypnobirthing course with my first and this time I’m having a planned caesarean so there’s no point in doing a refresher course!! That’s what I thought too, however, I definitely would have benefited.
I was in early labour 9 days before our due date and 6 days before our planned caesarean. After a few days of being in latent labour, having mild surges and losing my plug, we had a couple of trips to hospital and decided to go home. In the early hours of the 4th October we went back to hospital as my surges were stronger. I agreed to an internal examination that showed we were 4cm dilated and in ‘active’ labour. I took the gas and air offered and I considered if I wanted to try a vaginal birth as I had gone into spontaneous labour or if I wanted to go ahead with a caesarean. We decided to go for the caesarean. I think I was fearful of having another emergency caesarean and wanted to feel in control. Although I absolutely love our birth story I do wonder if I had done a refresher hypnobirthing course if I would have tried to deliver naturally or make the same decision with more confidence.
Jules and I were able to walk to the theatre, the radio was on and the atmosphere was calm, there was limited talking and I felt completely calm, the team pulled the curtain down as Charlie was born so I could see him born and that he was a boy. Unfortunately I was not able to have skin to skin straight away but soon enough he was on my chest and we spent hours skin to skin. My beautiful Charlie was born on 4/10/2023 @ 5.48am weighing 6lb 6oz. He is a very happy, cheeky loving boy and I feel like the luckiest mummy in the world. 💙💙💙💙
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